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Tvasta has been at the forefront to revolutionize the construction industry



What is the Cost per sq ft of a 3d printed house?

For a 3D printed structure, cost does not work on sqft details, rather it is calculated based on volumetric basis. Customers can submit their designs to us for evaluation or our in-house architects can design the 3D models and then after evaluation, cost can be determined. In the future with the economies of scales, cost can be brought down to the level of conventional practices.

What is the material used to build the 3D printed house?

Tvasta has developed a special type of concrete which can be extrudable and flowable enough to 3D print via our printer. Our aim is to make this mix more and more sustainable and use locally available material. Currently we are using sustainable materials like Fly ash, GGBS, recycled aggregate in our mix.

Is the foundation 3d printed?

Foundation varies on the Loads from building (Structure requirements), Type of soil, etc. Currently foundations are being constructed using conventional systems.

How many labourers are required to construct a 3d printed house?

As this process eliminates a lot of manual work compared to conventional systems, we require skilled labours for the construction via 3D Printing. Number of skilled labourers depends on the size of the project and varies between 4 to 8 per project.

When can we expect to be commercialised?

We are currently working on Pilot projects and plan to commercialise this technology in a phase wise manner across India.

What is the thickness of the wall?

Thickness of the wall is between 150 to 250 mm. This is totally customisable and varies depending on the function of the wall. Each wall has a hollow centre which can be used effectively depending on the application of the structure.

Can you 3D Print a roof?

Roofing can be done via 3D printing. However more research is being carried out at this moment. We are currently working with Cast in-situ and Precast roof/slab.

Do you use steel rebars/reinforcement in your technology?

Steel rebars can be used as a reinforcement which gives additional strength to the structures. This varies depending on the application of the structure.

Reinforcement can be used in a vertical rebars and/or horizontal meshes between layers.

What is the life of a 3d printed house?

3D Printed structures can easily last up to 50-70 years.

Can 2-storey houses be 3D Printed?

Our technology allows us to build up to G+2. However, we are targeting to build G+4 structures soon.

Is Tvasta 3D Printer for sale?

At present, Tvasta’s 3D printers are available for purchase for Academic and Research Institutes. We are working on scalability of printers for commercial usage through strategic partnerships. Please stay tuned to get updates.

How long will it take to build a typical house?

3D Printing can build a 500 sqft structure in a span of 10 to 14 days. Printing time will come down with the advancement in technology.

What will the finish be like?

Finish can be plain as well as 3D printed layers. It is completely customizable.

Can we make changes midway?

We need to fix the design before feeding it to the printer. Any unplanned changes will cause significant delay in the printing process.

If I get a Tvasta home, can I get repairs, remodelling done by conventional methods?

It is completely possible to make repairs and remodelling however we advise you to consult with us first before making any changes.

Can you build according to our plans and design?

Our architects will go through the design first and then we can give you confirmation about the same.

What types of printers Tvasta have and how are these printers better than the rest?

The important difference between Tvasta’s printers and others is the indigenous nature of the printer. We have an array of printers based on different motion systems for different requirements.

What types of printers Tvasta have and how are these printers better than the rest?

The important difference between Tvasta’s printers and others is the indigenous nature of the printer. We have an array of printers based on different motion systems for different requirements.

What are the advantages of 3D printing?

We can build highly customized structures which are topologically optimized in a very short time using this technology. We are also using more sustainable materials and recycled aggregates which in turn will reduce the carbon footprint.

What are your current projects?

We are currently working on a few key projects – Sales office for HPCL in Chennai, Boundary wall for Chepauk stadium in Chennai, POD house for KESNIK in Thiruvananthapuram, Office for BPR&D in Delhi, Guest House for IITM in Chennai.

How Tvasta started?

In 2015, three friends in IITM started a 3D Printing Club and right after graduation they realized the potential of this technology in addressing a few of the critical issues in housing markets like non-standardization, shortage of housing, poor quality of housing. This inspired them to start with this venture.

How did you get to know that 3d printing can be used for building houses?

3D printing works on a principle that if the material can be extruded from the nozzle and can retain its shape, then we can build it layer by layer. We have done an extensive research on the concrete material and made sure that it is extrudable and buildable.

How was the reception to the technology when you started out?

We have seen a great response from the early adopters, corporates and government, and tech enthusiasts considering the sustainability of the process and quick response time for building any structure.

How does the technology support India's growth?

Currently India needs more than 30 million houses and also the quality of the construction on the name of low cost housing is deteriorating over the period of time. For Indians, Home is the most important asset that we own, and using this technology we can definitely standardize the quality of the structures and also bridge the deficit.

What is the future goal of Tvasta?

We would like to start our operations all over the country in a phased manner. We are trying to bring more than 80% automation in this sector to rule out the man made errors and dependencies.

How many awards have you won? Tell us about them

We have won many awards from Construction industry as well as Tech industry. Recently we have won National startup award and Sankalp Forum awards. We have also been recognized worldwide for reducing the carbon footprint in the construction industry.

Do you think it is important for startups to win awards?

It is important to get recognized as a startup. This accelerates and boost confidence not just in a startup but also to the clients. This also helps startups in raising necessary funds for the expansion.

How many employees do you have? How have you contributed towards employment?

We have developed this end-to-end technology like Printers, Materials, Softwares, and designs. We are currently having more than 80 employees working with us across different fields namely Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Software, Architects, Structural engineers, Finance, Marketing. We are encouraging students across all this verticals to get on hands on experience as this will be the mainstream technology in the future.

Why is it important for India to have start-ups?

Startups are the fuel for our economy. These startups are making India self reliable, create job opportunities and also improving the quality of our lives.

What is the difference between other construction companies and Tvasta?

Tvasta is using 3D printers to print the highest quality of structures that are stronger, more durable and sustainable.

How safe are 3D printed houses?

We have conducted a lot of research in collaboration with IITM and SERC to validate the technology and structures. We have also received the Performance appraisal certificate from the BMTPC (Government) for using this technology.